Providing the highest quality services

Providing the highest quality services, created on the basis of world and national scientific and technical know-how, while fully using their skills and experience to achieve innovation in information systems solutions.

Code of ethics

Since 2015, our company has had a code of ethics (Code of Conduct) in place, clearly defining what types of behaviour are unacceptable. Each such case will be treated with utmost care
and confidentiality.

Our ambition

Our ambition, in accordance with the adopted strategy, is to act in a neutral way for the natural environment, and in particular to achieve climate neutrality in the very short term, i.e. a zero carbon footprint. We want to reduce it by 50% by the end of 2023, and achieve 100% zero carbon emissions by 2025.


Handbook for new employees – In 2022, we created a handbook that is a „guideline” for new employees, which is part of the on-boarding process. It reduces the number of subsequent questions and doubts, facilitating faster adaptation in the company.